Strategic Management Assignment Help
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Strategic management assignment help would assist students to find out the most effective methods, tools, frameworks, and concepts to define how an organization attains its specific objectives and business goals.
We have a vast team of qualified writers who have delivered thousands of papers based on the basic model of strategic management. After much research, if you still feeling overwhelmed to conduct the external environmental analysis of Amazon or the business model strategy of Amazon, then don't worry call us. We assure you 100% unique and plagiarism free assignment help in a timely manner.
In the book titled “Essentials of Strategic Management ” Hunger (2020) defines the concept of strategic management as a two-fold process to determine how an organization will perform in the long run. The managerial decisions of strategic management involve:
Steps of defining actions and taking strategic decisions are based on the evaluations of the external environment. It encompasses the basic strategic model of strategic management.
Referring to the basic elements, the first step of the process of strategic management is monitoring and evaluating the information derived from the internal and external environment of an organization. To identify the threats and opportunities to an organization's performance, managers scan the external environmental entities.
Before defining the other elements of the strategic management process, managers conduct an external environmental analysis to scan the natural, societal, and task environment of an organization.
Natural Environment: Factors that form the ecological system for an organization
Societal Environment: Economic, technological, political, legal, and socio-cultural forces that impact the long term decisions of an organizations
Task Environment: Forces that directly impact the short-term organizational operations such as suppliers, labor unions, customers, governmental and communities etc.
One significant strategic management tool used to identify the threats and opportunities of the external environment is PESTLE Analysis. To safeguard future success, Amazon can use the PESTLE analysis to scan the environmental variables. The tool defines monitoring and evaluation of political, economic, social-cultural, technological, legal, and ecological forces. For instance, GDP trends, employment levels, telecommunication infrastructure, foreign trade regulations, consumer activism, and more
Amazon is one of the largest players in the online retailing industry. Apart from that, the organization is gaining expansive market reach with its offered technology services. The American Multinational is doing business profitably because of its business model strategy of B2B and B2C.
With help of PESTLE Analysis, Amazon's managers can conduct comprehensive risk management. To identify the risks and threats, one needs to perform external environmental analysis. Our subject experts can guide you with the most trusted data and resources to efficiently conduct the PESTLE Analysis for Amazon. We are providing strategic management assignment help to students all around the UK. To avail the papers of a comprehensive analysis of the business model strategy and strategic management strategies of Amazon, call us right now.
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