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Childcare Assignment

1.    As home-based childcare you must have an understanding of current legislation and regulations.

Outline current legislation relevant to the home-based child-carer. You need to cover the 5 main acts and summarise what they mean in your own words – do not copy from the text and use an average of 30 words per Act.

Ans. The five significant acts which give an idea about the childcare legislation are:

Childcare Assignment

Childcare Act 1989, 2004: The 2004 revision was based on the 'Every Child Issues' Green Paper, created after the assassination of Victoria Climbié. The five outcomes for children mentioned were, being healthy, safety, enjoyment and achievement, positive contributions and attainment of economic wellbeing. 

Childcare Act 2006: Improvement of “Every Child Matters” outcomes for working parents and for ensuring parental information services. Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for promoting regulatory requirements for the professionals. 

Equality Act 2010: The act replaces Racing Relations Act (1976) and the Disability Discrimination Act (1995). Any childcare environment including children's houses, whether private, 

Voluntary autonomous or legal should align with the act. 

Children and Families Act 2014: The legislation created a new framework to Support children with special education and disabilities. Education, health and Care (EHC) plan will be formulated. Ensures processing of crucial changes to the adoption system those uphold rights of foster children. Data Protection Act 1998: Ensures the home based child carers to conduct notification of Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), for provision of child care. Appropriate sharing of information is asserted which ensures storage of personal and confidential data. 

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