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Microsoft Articulates Principles For Responsible AI

Microsoft’s approach to AI is guided by a set of principles and commitments to ensure ethical and responsible usage

March 29, 2023. Technology has driven changes in society. With AI becoming an integral part of our daily lives, speculations were made that the changes are positive in nature. Though, concerns and curiosities about the latest tech development are hard to ignore. Especially, when it comes to the ethical and responsible usage of AI. The perspectives of the tech community have been divided by the notion of responsible AI. Some had developed a firm belief in the potential benefits of AI entering our day to day lives, whereas others have developed concerns about transparency, accountability and of course ethics.

Natasha Crampton, the Chief Responsible AI Officer at Microsoft shared her insight in a recent interview about the company’s approach to making AI responsible and ethical. She provided useful insights on how Microsoft is stepping in to change the perception and approach of technology usage. 

Natasha reaffirmed that they have been working on the issues of a responsible approach to technology usage since 2017 when they established the Aether( AI, Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research) Committee. In the year 2018, a set of principles were identified to shape their work. She added that in the year 2019, the Office for Responsible AI was established at Microsoft, which was an attempt to begin working comprehensively as per the principles of Accessibility, Security and Privacy.

It was also added by Crampton, that the approach of accountability was not an afterthought and was there the whole time. The committee has identified responsibility as a key part of AI and kept it at the core of the design principles.

Natasha confirmed the approach to responsibility in search results as well. It was commented that the search results in the new Bing feature fact-checked information and results refined on the basis of chat experience and conversation history. It was also added by Natasha, that the AI language models were meant to be used by everyone hence they were determined from the very beginning to deploy responsible systems.

Microsoft’s approach to a responsible AI is harnessed by the diversity in its team. According to the Chief Officer, they are committed to a responsible ecosystem because the technology is built by humans with different viewpoints. Natasha concluded that despite working on the model for the last six years, best practices are yet anticipated because making responsible AI is a continuous task


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