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Harvard Referencing Guide by Treat Assignment Help UK

“You are advised to use the University Referencing Guide for academic citations…” 

“Poorly cited work could lose you marks…”

Ever come across the dilemma of losing marks because of incorrect referencing? 

Let’s discuss the right and wrong of academic referencing in detail.

What is referencing/citation?

When you use someone else’s work in your assignment, you need to acknowledge the original source. The process of acknowledging the original author and source is called referencing/citation.

The acknowledgment should be done at two places in your work.  

1.    When you refer to the source between your text you follow in-text citation rules.
2.    Complete detail of the source at the end of the text is generally known as referencing. 

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What are the rules of Harvard Referencing?

Harvard Referencing is a commonly used academic citation style that is used in most subjects. It is a variant of APA referencing and is mostly used in humanities and social sciences. 

In-text Citation: You use this in the body of your work. It is done by using the author’s last and the year of the publication separated by a comma inside a parenthesis. Such as, (Hughes, 2018). 

References List: It appears at the end of the work. In Harvard style, the general format would be the author’s last name, initials of author’s first name, year of publication, the title of the source. For instance:

Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 20(3), pp.259-262.

There are certain rules to use this style:

•    The reference list should be in alphabetical order 
•    Both direct and indirect citing of sources is allowed
•    For direct quoting, you should also include the page number of the source
•    When page numbers are not found you can use the abbreviation “n.p” for direct quoting

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Quick Guide to use Harvard Referencing Style

In academic work, you need to include a variety of sources, such as books, articles, online sources, and more. Use these examples to understand how to cite them correctly using the rules of Harvard Referencing:

1.    Books

Syntax: Author’s Last Name, Initial of the first name. (Year). Title. Edition. The City of Publication. Publisher. 

Example: Mupepi, M. ed., 2017. Effective talent management assignment help strategies for organizational success. IGI Global.

•    If the source has more than one author, then the names will be separated with a comma and ‘and in the references list. For in-text citation, the abbreviation of ‘et. Al.’ is allowed after using only the first author’s last name. 

•    If the same author has multiple books, then the referencing should be done chronologically.

2.    Articles

Journal Article Syntax: Author’s Last Name, Initial of the first name. (Year). Title. Edition. Journal Name, Volume, Page. 
Example: Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 20(3), pp.259-262.

•    When you access the journal article from a database, you also need to include the URL of the database. Such as: “Journal Article Syntax as mentioned above”. Available at: URL. [Accessed: date].
•    The syntax remains the same for articles found in newspapers and magazines. You replace the journal name with the name of the newspaper or the magazine.

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3.    Online Sources

Syntax: Author/Name of the organization or website (Year). Title of the web document. [online]. Available at: URL [Accessed on: Date]. 

Example: Anyagwe E. (2012). Academic integrity 2.0: maintaining values and openness in a digital world. [online]. Available at: [Accessed on 3 March 2020].

4.    Others: Apart from the above-mentioned sources, you can also found useful information available at varied sources such as social media, audio/visual mediums, broadcasts, podcasts, YouTube, movies, government publications, interviews, presentations, lectures, dictionaries, and more. Our highly experienced team members can guide you with the correct format to cite information retrieved from all these sources. 

To increase the academic integrity of your work, make sure you connect with our referencing experts. APA, MLA, Harvard, or whichever referencing style is giving you nightmares; just give us a call or share your queries with our support staff. Our experts can help you instantly.

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