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Cambridge Researchers Elected To Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship 2023

New bunch of people have been elected into the academy of medical sciences as a reward to their exceptional contribution into the field of advanced biomedical and health science. They have been a huge help into the advanced discoveries and developments to the benefits for patients and wider society.  They have been given the opportunity to join the prestigious fellowship od 1400 esteemed researchers who are the centre to the academy’s work. One of the main roles of the of this academy and the researchers is to provide career support to the upcoming generation of researchers and contributing to the academy’s policy work to globally improve health in the UK.

On the occasion of the academy’s 25th anniversary. They have added a few more experts to celebrate and respect the contribution of them by giving them a chance to be a part of the academy.  The 7 new experts that have been added as a part of this academy are as follows :

1- Professor Charlotte Coles FMedSci

He is a professor that has contributed tremendously into the field of radiotherapy trials that influenced hypofractionation policy taking care of the global HealthEquity challenges, gender in the lancet breast cancer commission. Her contribution has affected and developed  sciece to a huge extent.

Dr Rita Horvath FMedSci

Dr Horvath is an academic neurologist using genomics and biochemistry to diagnose rare, inherited neurological disorders and mitochondrial diseases. She has combined fundamental and experimental work with clinical studies. She pioneered the development and implementation of the next generation and sequencing of rare neurogenetic diseases in the UK leading to genetic approaches.

Professor Serena Nik- Zainal Fmedsci

Professor Nik-Zinani Rand devoted her entire life focused on investigating the vast number of mutations that occur in the DNA of a human from birth. It highlights the significance of patterns called mutational signatures and associated physiological changes to cellular function and progressive diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration. The combination of computational and experimental methods to understand biology and to develop clinical tests for early detection and precision diagnostics.

Professor James Rayner FMedSci

Professor James Rayner FMedsci has contributed to the field of diagnosis and treatment of people  that are affected by dementia . His work also focuses on cognitive neuroscience, fluidic biomarkers, brain imaging  and computational models and neuropathy for experimental medicine studies and clinical trials.  He has focused on the ways of enhancing a better diversity and inclusivity throughout medical research.

Professor Julian Rayner FMedsci

Dr Julian has made exceptional contributions to the understanding of how malaria parasites attack human red blood cells to cause disease.  His work helped science in finding out new vaccine targets, such as proteins useful to prevent red blood cell invasion and early-stage human vaccine testing and antimalarial drug development.

Professor Eric Miska FMedsci

He is a molecular geneticist who has carried out pioneering work on RNA biology. His contributions led to the birth of new insights into small RNA molecules control our genes and protect organisms from selfish genes and viruses and focus on how RNA can carry heritable information from generations.

Professor Emanuele Di Angel Antonio FMedSci

Professor Emanuele Di Angel Antonio Fmedsci has focused on addressing major clinical and public health priorities in cardiovascular disease and transfusion medicine. He has done many contributions both in helping and resolving all important controversies in CVD prevention strategies and improving the safety and efficiency of blood donation.
All these great researchers of the NIHR Cambridge have received the awards in recognition of their outstanding biomedical contribution into the field of medical sciences. These people have an enigmatic personality and have the ability to shape the coming generation and inspire them to succeed. There have been many reasons to for them to be selected for the academy.


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